Thursday, July 19, 2012

Our story. Military life.

My names Renee, I'm very easy to get along with. I love talking and blabbing, so warning you now, these post may end up being VERY long. Haha. So I'm a newly wed Army Wife, My hubbs name is Justin. We've been together 4 months all together, married for 2 weeks so far. He's STUCK with me FOREVER now! Hahahaha. We rushed it, but I really honestly couldn't be happier. He's seriously the best!

How we met. (Don't think bad of us.) I met him off POF (plenty of I've been to where he's stationed at for off and on for 4 years. Lived in NY 5 mins away from the base, for a year at one point, and then for almost another year a year later. So my one friend lives there, she's from PA where I'm from. I went to NY one time, and she came with me. She got married (to a non military person.) some horrible things happened, so they split up. She lived with the people I use to live with, then she met the guy she's with now which is her fiance... So she kept wanting me to go to NY and live with her and I just kept putting it off. (Wanted to get away from the whole military guys thing. NOT A TAG CHASER!! Haha. Just have like 2 other ex's in the military... But living up there you tend to just know military people.) So anyways I was like noo way am I going back up there. Well that changed.

I met the hubby when he drove 6 hours to come see me for Easter. (Mind you, I totally didn't think I'd be into him at all. Because he had red hair GINGER that has NO SOUL. =] Haha... (We pick on each other a lot, it's out of love.) and through his pictures, I just didn't think I'd be all that into him.. Well that changed. When I met him I still wasn't fully sure, but we ended up talking that whole night he was here til 6am and then we went to sleep in the same bed. Didn't do anything, and he was the freakin sweetest EVERRRR!! So when we were laying in bed, he's like I hope you aren't going to be mad If I touch you I by accident. I was like no it's totally fine. So then I was about to fall asleep, and he's like can I put my arm around you. I'm like sure go ahead, then we fell asleep. We woke up hung out for awhile then came down stairs and just watched tv all day and cuddled and talked. that night we went to go to bed and he told me to move my head toward him for a minute and he kissed me. =]  It was like right then I knew he was seriously the one. (I never believe in that kind of stuff.) So it's like our story was weird, but a True Love Story!!!) So then we had a cook out for Easter and he met almost the whole family, and even my gma(Grandma) and she even LIKED him!! Which is very unusual she usually hates every guy and of her granddaughters get with. (theres 4 of us, that are old enough to date.) So then he goes back up to Fort Drum after his 4 day and we were texting and everything, then he goes "we're dating right?" I'm like yup if you want to be, he goes freakin of course babe!!" Met March 26th So we started dating the 6th of April 2012, got engaged May 24th, Married July 5th. 

We didn't plan on getting engaged or married anytime soon, but things just kind of happened we got engaged then 2 months later married. I've realized with the military you just kind of go with the flow and sometimes just rush into things. People think it's crazy we only knew each other 5 months then got married, but I'm honestly ok with that. You can't let people judge you and get mad about it, is what I've learned. So this is our life, and I'm happy to be stuck with him forever! Haha.  Warning you all now, we LOVE LOVE LOVE to joke around, so If I ever post stuff we've said, don't take it seriously. Seriously I just knew he was the one, every time we see each other it's the little butterflies in the tummy, and all that fun stuff. He's always there to listen to me, he never judges me, we always have stuff to say NEVER run out of things to say to each other. He's a great conversation holder that's another thing I love about him. His first impression of me when he got out of his jeep was that I was short! Haha.  Right now I'm in PA where I'm from. I get really bad panic attacks when I'm in a car, so that's been keeping me from being up there already.. but no matter what for sure this time rather it takes forever I will be going up there!! he just recently got our place (Sunday) So in about 2-3 weeks I'll be in his arms again and starting a new chapter of life with him. So I'll write more later. I tend to end up staying up really late, so the post will probably be munged together. Well that's enough for now.. More about us later on. Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!! If you have any questions let me know.