Saturday, July 21, 2012


Today has been a pretty boring day!!! Ughh. I didn't get to really talk to the hubby. (remember I'm in PA, and he's in NY.) I'm on a horribly messed up schedule... So I woke up at 5pm, and he passed out at like 7pm ON A FRIDAY! UGH!!! Hate when he does that! Haha. You'd think he'd be like most guys and stay up knowing he don't gotta work the next day! Haha. So we didn't really talk other than for like 2 hours. Now it's 5am and he's just now waking up, and I'll be getting ready to go to bed soon. Boo!! =[ I hate being on a messed up schedule. I can't wait til I'm with him, and go to bed when he does. Then maybe I'll be able to actually sleep and stay on a decent schedule. I've always been known to be on a messed up schedule. Did a paper route at night from like 11pm or 1am til 6-7am for about 6 years, so I think my body got all messed up and won't ever get back to normal. Plus I get insomnia every once in awhile SUCKS!

So I need to start googling for things to talk about.. My life is pretty boring right now. I'm just trying to find at the moment a work from home job, NOT working so WELL!! Plus I get panic attacks, that I can't control yet when I get in a car EVERY TIME never freakin fails it sucks! Crazy thing Is I use to never get them, then this year all of a sudden they started. I just want this year to be over already maybe then I'll go back to normal! Haha. I wish!! But the best part of this year so far, was meeting the love of my life, and spending time with the family. Other than that, it's pretty much sucked. Plus I don't have my licences so no car either.

Once I start getting more views and stuff, you'll have to leave a comment and tell me what you want me to write about. I'll write about anything that I'm interested in. But If you really want me to write something you want me to write about I defiantly will. =]  Ahhh needs to be freakin 3 weeks from now! I want to be with the lover!! We can't even skype because he has no internet yet at the house. Well I guess we could skype from my laptop to his phone, but it's kind of crappy and I could barely see him so that don't work. =[

Ok, so I'm running out of stuff to talk about, that usually never happens. So I'm going to cut it short, thinking about texting the love a little bit more and then passing out. Starting to get a headache. NOT COOL! =[  Hope you all have a wonderful day and night!!!